I know exactly why you are here. You want to make money online and you want to give it a start, right?
Listen to me. I totally understand you. You need money. You have dreams, and you want someone to teach you everything.
Yes, you need a mentor for that.
Please understand this, my friend. I was like you, and I was thinking that I don’t need a mentor. I didn’t want to give my money to them.
I was selfish.
But I couldn’t get what I want. That was a really big defeat for me.
I cried for years. I was all alone.
Are you at the beginning of this journey?
If so please listen to me. Do not do what I have done in the past. If you really want to make money online, the key for that is to find A MENTOR! Nobody says this secret to you, because they don’t want any rivals like you.
The bad part is this: Mentors want money from you. This is the most critical point for a person like you who wants to start making money online. People like you don’t want to give their precious money to the mentors. Somehow, they do not trust them.
Do you really want to make money online?
Here is the key: find a good mentor who will get interested about your success.
Now let’s talk about how we are going to make money online. The answer is ‘affiliate marketing’. If you want to get rich slowly, affiliate marketing is the only solution.
If you are new to affiliate marketing, you must start with Clickbank. Commission rates are extremely high and that is because Clickbank sells digital products, like e-books and memberships.
Where are you from?
China? Canada? Ukraine? Bulgaria? Turkey? India? Malaysia? USA? Philippines? Germany?
You give your home address while you are taking your account for Clickbank and then start working. As you earn commissions, they send checks to your home address.
But before that, you must learn what to do exactly to make money with Clickbank. And at this point, you must make a little investment:
I will give you information about Clickbank Success Kit.
Dan Nickerson is in this business for many years and he will be your mentor if you join his membership site. You can trust him with all your heart. Let him be your mentor and he will make you rich slowly. Here is the link:
Here is what to do:
First, click the link above to start getting rich slowly. CB Success Kit will teach you the important and critical basics of Clickbank. It has a price, but cheap and gives you exactly what you need for a lifetime. (Wait for the site to be loaded. You will be glad you did.)
After you get your membership, watch the 'step by step' tutorials and read the articles at the membership site. This may take only a few hours to get all the information. You will learn the logic of Clickbank and how to work.
After you learn all of the process, start building your own online money making empire. Work for your bright future!! I suggest you to work hard for the first 15 days.
Don't be afraid and do not give up. If you stick to the process, it is simply impossible for you not to make money online. You need some time to buy a Ferrari :). Your dream must be earn thousands of dollars like this!
Yes! Now you know what to do to start your online business. Come back here after you get your membership and learn the process. The other parts of this blog is about important affiliate tips.
Right after you learn how to setup an internet business, you will realize the importance of your web traffic. If you want to sell something, you need customers. You can not offer them your product until they reach to your site on the internet by using forums, social sites, blogs, search engines etc. Yes, they have to FIND your site in the internet, in order to buy your product. . .
To learn more about web traffic and get more traffic to your site, blog or lens, use the link below:
>>>> Web Traffic Technics
Q: I already know about Clickbank and learned the system with the link that you have given to me, but I am not very good at affiliate marketing. Is there something I have to know about it?
A: This information may help you:
If you want to sell a product, you should act as a normal person. Do not appear as a 'seller', appear as a friend. If you help your customer, you earn their trust. And there are no difference between 'earning trust' or 'earning commission'! Help your customer, give the right information, be sincere. . . Do not force yourself to tell lies.
Yes, right after you earn your customer's trust with kind and right words, he will listen to you. Now you are ready to give them 'hope' about the solution of their problem. Remember, do not tell lies. Your customer must be thinking like this: "This person is logical and have some experiences about my problem. May be he can solve my problem. I must read his article. . ."
BOOM! That is your chance! At this point, you should say something like this: "I know that you feel upset to solve your problem, but there is no need to feel upset. There are many people in this world sharing your problem, and it has a simple solution. There is a guy named '. . .' and he is well known on his career. I think he may solve your problem easily. If you want to visit his site, use this link . . ."
In this plan, you address not only their thoughts but also their emotions. Your customer is now thinking that he has just found a solution to his problem and he must use the chance you have just given to him. And this is exactly what you want, isn't it?
Q: I am not sure which market or product is the best? Where should I start?
A: You should start with a good market.
What is a market? Indeed, the right question is this: What is a good market?
In my opinion, there are three features of a good market:
1) Too much customer
2) Little competition (between sellers)
3) The option of using 'emotions' on customers
The third feature is important and you need to think on it.
If a person tells important and right things to make you buy something, you only think that he is right. But if you 'feel' that buying that product is the only way to solve your important problem and to be 'happy', you force your own self to buy that product. That is because you can not oppose to your own thoughts and feelings. So that, if you 'trigger' your customer's 'necessity feelings', he will automatically respond to your offer by the effect of his 'own' feelings.
What kind of feeling should you trigger? It can be a shame feeling, for example. You may say something like this: "Don't you be ashamed when you . . .? Yeah, I can guess. You feel embarrassed and bad. But this is not a big problem and it can be solved easily. I am extremely serious." By saying this, you tell your customer that his problem cause bad effects on him and you know the solution. Your customer will now think that you may solve his problem with the product you will offer.
Indeed, there are tons of options and examples I can give you. But I just can't think more. Use your imagination. Combine your product with your customer's feelings. You can do this for every product you are promoting, no matter what it is.
That is all. I hope you liked it.
Do you want higher positions for your site in the search engines? You should learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Use this link:
>>>> SEO
Would you like to start article marketing? Use this link:
>>>> Article Marketing
Use the link below to see my blog about social bookmarking. It is important for your web traffic.
>>>> Social Bookmarking
And this link will teach you about getting web traffic for your site, blog or lens:
>>>> Web Traffic Technics
Final words:
Feel free to visit this blog at any time, OK? I will always be here.
Take care!
Gokhan Donmez
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